Christians' Lack Of Discerning Good from Evil

Question: Why don't Christians have discernment of good and evil any longer?  In the end, to the churchgoer, will Jesus say; ''depart from me you sinners, I never got a chance to know you?" Will it be a complete surprise?

My Answer:
I’m a little confused by your question.

In the Old Testament, we often read about God calling His people back to Him. Why? Because though God wanted them to be Holy, or set apart from the other nations, they wanted to mix in and be like the other nations. This soon corrupted their thoughts, behaviors, and even worship.

In Paul's first letter to the Corinthians (as well as all the other churches he wrote to), the outside world's culture was leaking into the Church. They were nobodies before entering the Church, and once they began gaining status, they began behaving as those outside the church.

I have come to notice many Christians today making the same mistakes as both groups mentioned. We're called to be Holy, but so many "Christians" today want to fit in with the world...they don't want to offend anybody with their faith, or exclude anybody, even though the scriptures say that many will be; they begin believing only the parts they want in the Bible; and they no longer see the urgency (or even importance) of the Gospel.  And so therefore, they fall away from the Truth, causing them to have difficulties discerning good from evil.

Will Jesus say "depart from me, evildoers, for I never knew you."? Maybe, for Christianity is all about the relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ. If they lost sight of Him and put their focus onto a false god or a false image of Christ, then such is a possibility. (Just because somebody looks like your best friend, doesn't mean they even know who you are).

---Pastor Andy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine made this comment on my facebook:

"Love your response. Quite true.
We are easily influenced by the world's values because we have been infiltrated by it.
How hard it is to take the scriptures and wholeheartedly apply them personally? Some of the things scripture says blatantly confronts our own sinful behavior.
Even Mark Twain who was said to not be a Christian is attributed to saying, 'it's not the parts of the Bible I don't understand that bother me. It's the parts I do understand.'
I don't think it is a believer who has trouble discerning evil.
I think we know what it is. A good deal of it is willful rebellion. We just don't want to repent."
---Thanks, Barbara :)