2- Does Jesus Have To Be Lord Of Your Life In Order To Be a Christian?

The other day, "Keith" asked, "What is true repentance? Does Jesus have to be Lord of your life in order to be a Christian? Can a true genuine Christian doubt his or her salvation? Can a true Christian deny Christ before men? What does Jesus say about all of these things? Can church history help us out as well?"
Because answering these all in one post would result in a really long answer, I've decided to answer them all individually.  Today, we look at Keith's 2nd question:

Does Jesus have to be Lord of your life in order to be a Christian?

My Reply:
Simple answer? Yes, Jesus has to be the Lord of your life in order to be a Christian.  Christianity without Jesus is just a term. Real Christianity is a friendship with God though Jesus Christ, and Jesus being Lord of your life.  Although, there are many out there who CLAIM to be Christians, yet Jesus is not Lord over their lives.  I also wonder if these same "Christians", actually engaged in "True repentance" when they "accepted" Jesus.

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