A Question About Catholic Saints

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Might the list of saints in the Catholic Bible be incomplete?  Which other to consult to find the missing saint?  I notice that the Saint Index on http://www.catholic.org/saints/stindex.p… is missing saints from the Gnostic bible - I'm wondering where other lists of saints might be?

My Reply:
Technically and Theologically speaking, the Apostle Paul said that all who are in Christ, are Saints. He even called the believers in Corinth, "Saints"...and from the letter, we know that many of them wouldn't be considered Saints by the Catholic Church.

So according to St. Paul, if you're in Christ, then you're a Saint, too (1 Corinthians 6:1-2)

Names mentioned: 
Romans 16:15

As for Catholic "Saints", check here for a list:

---Pastor Andy